Spanish for Adults
This course is suitable for people who wish to communicate more effectively be it for holidays, work or study. Giving a good understanding of the language with an emphasis on dialogue & conversation along with reading and writing.
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Spanish Junior & Leaving Cert
Our approach to the Leaving and Junior Cert exams at all levels is about being positive and proactive but also enjoyable; and as a result achieving that success is easier and more relevant to each students needs.
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Diploma in Spanish
The DELE offers the only internationally accredited official title certificate As a preparation academy for the a DELE Diploma our students can avail of a wonderful opportunity to formalise their achievements in the language and gain from the opportunities this may present.
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Application, Information & Brochure for Host Families

Application submission takes only about 10 minutes and by doing so, we are confident that you find the experience fun and most of all, beneficial to you and your family.

This is where you gain access to or host family application and of course, but somethings there can be glitches and sometimes stuff happens, but don’t worry if you get stuck with anything just contact Peter either via email at

To complete an official Host Family application please complete the form below and when completed, select the download application button and the form will download automatically.

After we receive your application and all information required and assuming a suitable placement is feasible we will contact you by email to arrange a suitable time to meet informally with you and your family in your home.

At this meeting, Peter & Rosa will discuss your application, complete the Garda Vetting application (if required) and answer any questions you may have. This meeting is vital as it helps us evaluate along with your application, the suitability of a student and the best possible match for you and your family.

Please note; as we evaluate both the students and host families for compatibility there is no guarantee of placement. However, we will always endeavour to do our best possible for both families and students.

Once the application and all the above are complete and successfully approved. You will receive a ‘Leir Welcome Pack’ which will contain all details about your allocated guest or guests, as well as a complete schedule, camps, classes, social activities, events and all other relevant information.

We hope you enjoy your time here and hopefully it goes without saying that if you have any questions, comments or feedback for us, we’d love to hear from you!

Best regards, welcome  and happy hosting, Peter & Rosa

Leir Education 'Host Family' Application

Hosting Application

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